News | Events
What is Chronic Pain And How Is It Treated?
Chronic pain can last longer than six months and is more widespread among people than cancer, heart disease, diabetes or stroke. Chronic pain endures and can actually cause damage to the body, even causing disability. It can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender or race.
Wellness Exams Get Your Child Ready For School, Sports
As the summer winds down, preparations for getting ready for the new school year ramp up, and this includes making time to schedule a wellness exam for your child, especially if your child plans to participate in extracurricular sports.
What Does It Mean If Your Heart Beats Irregularly?
Perhaps you’ve been feeling a slight flutter from your heart, one that causes you to catch your breath. You may be feeling it at rest, or while you’re doing physical activity. You may even feel dizziness.
When The Heat Gets To You, Know When It’s Time To Call 911
Summer temperatures can heat up, sometimes even getting into the triple digits, so it's important to recognize when too much heat is causing health problems, some of which can be serious. Ranging from the milder condition of heat rash to the very dangerous condition of heat stroke, know when it's time to call 911.
Nurse Justin Wisniewski Bestowed Prestigious DAISY Award
Congratulations to Justin Wisniewski for being awarded the DAISY Award For Extraordinary Nurses!
Health & Wellness Fair and Garden Starting Party
Don't miss the Health & Wellness Fair and Garden Starting Party on March 16th! Enjoy free and low-cost health screenings, educational talks, and food and beverage samples. We will also be giving away free seeds and starts for your garden!